Friday, January 22, 2010

The Most Overused (Yet Truthful) Sentence In The World

"Time flies!"
Isn't that true?
Olivia turned 10 months yesterday and I am still speechless... I mean, I already miss her newborn body, skinny legs, lots of black hair, the pants that would be too be and would come up to her armpits. It was so cute! Of course she gets cuter by the hour, she IS my daughter after all! ;)
I know I haven't updated much about Olivia, her likes and dislikes and development. I am trying to keep a record of that someplace else more private but I would like to share with you what she's up to now.
She recently had a cold and her first ear infection. She kept her tongue out when she had her cold, for DAYS, maybe to breath better? It was surely funny!

At her 9 months check up she weighed a little over 23lbs and was a little taller than 28inches. My 10 months old baby wears 12-18 months clothes, especially pants since she inherited her daddy's butt! Has two teeth, first one came out about 2.5 months ago and the second is cutting as we speak. And they are BOTH crooked, making a V. I kid you not!

Loves all foods, but adores bananas, carrots, green beans, apples, fresh squeezed juices from our juicer and chicken and cheese. We do not feed her sweet stuff, sodas, candy, fried foods, etc. Of course here and there a 'friend' will just put icecream in her mouth because "it's funny", but they don't think it's funny anymore when mama bear is about to attack them. Call me crazy, but I want my daughter to eat sugar from natural sources such as fruits, so keep the whipped topping and the french fries to yourself, please.
We recently went to Jamba Juice and she loved the all fruit smoothies. She doesn't know how to suck on straws yet, I have tried three different types of sippy cups but she is not interested. One day she will get it, right?
She waves bye bye, stands and holds, climbs mountains (aka stairs), signs milk, says dada and mama (it might be a coincidence but she says dada to Trevor and mama to me so...), loves baths, loves her bath toys, loves to be out and about, turning the tv on and off with her TONGUE, music and DANCING. You can go to our youtube account to see videos of her. Hilarious child. The light of my life!
Now, of course she is CLOSE to perfection, but has her stinky moments. The one thing that we are struggling with right now is BEDTIME. Yes, quite frustrating, and exausting. Olivia was so easy to go down since she was a baby, sleeping at least 8hours/night by the time she was 6 weeks old. I never really had to attempt to "train" her until recently. I am SURE someone out there jinxed my baby!!!

She always slept on her crib but the crib was in our bedroom close to our bed. In November we moved to a new place and she now has her own room. Since then it's hard to keep her asleep. I have tried EVERYTHING I have been told, read, instructed to by her Dr and my therapist.

First we stablished wake up time (8:30am) and nap times (she has two now: 11am-noonish and 3:30-5pmish).
Then we decided that we were going to start her bedtime ritual around 8pm, which has always included bath, cuddling and bottle.
Waking up and naps work great, we put her down for naps when she is still awake but she has learned to stay there playing until she falls asleep. She rarelly cries when we put her down to nap.
Bedtime though... she WILL go down like an angel but ALWAYS, 30 to 45 minutes after she's down, the crying begins. That child does.NOT.want to stay in that crib. I have tried Ferber, the CIO, soothing her, more cuddling, no cuddling, singing, silence, taking her to my bed, walking around, leaving her there, music, white noise, more food, less food, later bedtime, earlier naps and waking up time... ARGH! Nothing works.
Right now it is past midnight... She took her bath at 9:30ish today (again, trying to do this later in the hopes that she will be more tired and STAY asleep!), ate, slept and woke up around 10:30pm and just won't stay down. So I gave up listening to the crying (I HATE IT! kill me!) and brought her to the living room to get the energy out.

I asked my Dr if it's possible that her clock is just messed up, he of course told me WE train their sleep. But I am serious when I say I have tried every method I have heard of, and not for a day or two... for WEEKS at a time. I don't know what to think and/or do because I need to wake up at 5:30am to go to work and even when Trevor stays up with her, it makes it hard for him to wake her up at 8:30am because she will NOT want to stay awake. If you let her, she will sleep until noon or so. MESSED UP! So needless to say... advice is welcome. Sometimes I wonder if she wakes up and doesn't see us there anymore and freaks out? Is she having nightmares? It's a different cry, hiccups and all sounding like she is really freaked out about something... *sigh*

(and Yes, I have read Baby Wise, Healthy Sleep Habits Healthy Child, and about three other books. This Olivia stinker is defiant... give me something that will WORK!)

In the meantime, I'll try some more cuddling tonight. Hey, it soothes ME at least ;)


beapinkal said...

i want to see her-i want to see her. She is so so so cute. Let's get together when we're healthy again.

Rebeca Price said...

Ai Kika, eu to lendo o teu post e soh consigo rir. Eu adoro o jeito q vc fala de Olivia e das palhacadas dela..huahuahuahuahua. Ela eh linda DEMAIS!!! ow coisinha gostosa!!!
Olha, sobre o sono, eu sei q eu ja falei muita coisa lah no FB, mas agora lendo tudo q voce contou, talvez eu tenha mais algo a dizer. Menina, lembra q eu contava no meu fotolog q rachel nao dormia cedo tambem? o bedtime dela era 1h da manha e acordava as 6h pra mamar e depois dormia ate 11h da manha. Naquela epoca, eu ano me importava, afinal de contas, eu ano tinah amis nada pra fazer alem dela. Dai eu soh percebi q ela tinha um pattern diferente e era isso neh?
Com o tempo (ela tinha 5 meses) eu comecei a tentar a treina-la, porque eu comecei escola e ate consegui um trabalho. E deu certo. Acho q cada crianca tem seus altos e baixos, e um dia elas pegam no tranco. No caso da Olivia, agora q ela ta crescidinha e ate muito esperta, ela ja entende muita coisa e claro q ela ja sabe q hora de dormir eh de dormir, mas provavelmente ela ja se acostumou tambem q voce pega ela e deixa ela na sala pra usar todas as energias e quem sabe ficar cansada e voltar pra cama. CLARO q ela nao faz isso por mal, ams ela sabe. Crianca eh esperta mais do q a gente pensa neh? e por algum motivo, el gosta disso.
Entao, fica dificil tentar convence-la do contrario agora, mas eu sei q voce consegue!
Rachel por uns 3 meses deposi q treinamos ela a dormir a noite toda, ela ia pra cama as 9pm e acordava SEMPRE, SEMPRE, SEMPRE a meia-noite e chorava/reclamava por uns 10 minutos e ia denovo rpa cama. Menina, era SEMPRE mesmo e era em PONTO. Nao sei q tipo de relogio ela tinha, mas era certinho.
Dai, num dia ela parou!
A unica coisa q eu posso recomendar eh comecar tudo denovo. Eu sei q eh dificil..especialmente porque voce nao pode ficar a noite toda com ela, nem Trevor.
Voce ja ta fazendo muito bem de tentar e eu te dou todo credito por isso. Tente coemcar tudo novamente ou usar outros metodos...
A luz do quarto dela e pagada durante a noite toda? A rachel soh dorme no escuro. Eu ligo o white noise e saio e pronto, nao volto mais.
enfim, eu fico aqui torcendo por voce.
eu sei q voce consegue e vai dar certo!
e sei tambem q deixar chorar eh triste demais, mas ate eu consegui vencer isso, pra q eu e a casa toda tivessemos uma boa noite de sono.

Aline Carson said...

Nossa a Olivia eh grandona!! A Jasmine tb era assim. Agora o Eric eh meio pequenininho, ele soh pesa 21 pounds e mede 28 1/2 inches. Entao ele eh mais ou menos do tamanho da Olivia, soh que com 14 meses e meio. hehehe...Eu to tentando de tudo tb pra esse muleke comer, mas alem de nao comer mtas coisas, ele nao deixa eu dar na boca dele e ele eh um super messy eater!!!!! Tb ja tentei de tudo.
Agora pra dormir parece que eu to lendo oq eu escrevi ha algum tempo atras no meu blog. O Eric tb nao dormia, era um tormento! E acordava mil vezes no meio da noite tb. Eh meio que normal isso acontecer nessa fase pq ela ta aprendendo coisas novas, andar, ta nascendo dente, etc. Ta naquela fase, sabe. Entao sempre qdo eles tao aprendendo alguma coisa nova tipo sitting up, pulling up, isso as vezes pode mess up their schedule. Mas com o Eric a unica coisa que funcionou foi deixar ele chorar. Eu sempre fui contra esse metodo e nao aguentava, morria de do. Era uma coisa horrivel, e ate hoje qdo ele chora eu ainda fico assim. Mas eu tava literalmente exausta e decidi tentar. Demorou mais ou menos uma semana, mas cada dia ele comecou a dormir mais e mais. As vezes ele ainda acorda no meio da noite, mas rapidinho ele volta a dormir. E tb a gente tem aquele aquario da fisher price do rainforest no berco dele e a gente sempre coloca ele pra dormir no berco com uma mamadeira um ursinho (que eu forcei ele a se apegar pq eu li uma vez que isso ajuda a crianca a se sentir segura as vezes sozinha no berco, etc) entao eu sempre ponho no rostinho dele um ursinho bem pequenininho e beeeem soft e ligo a musiquinha la no aquario. Ele nem chora, dorme desse jeito. Depois eu vou sempre checar se ele ta bem. E eh isso. Espero que vc consiga fazer alguma coisa pra ela dormir, pq ninguem merece isso!!

E a Olivia ta mtooo cute menina, mto mesmo!!!! Eu adoro as bochechas dela, parece que ela tem dimples, neh?!?!? Mto lindinha.


Rebeca Price said...

By the way, aqui o link pro meu fotolog, do dia q eu falei como ela tava dormindo..e olah oq tu me disse! hahahaha

Becky said...

i hate that!! You try everything and you just can't stand the crying (i only last about 5 minutes, too). One suggestion I have is try taking away her 2nd nap and putting her to bed earlier. My kids go to bed between 6 and 7 every night. This might work since you say she could sleep till noon. maybe putting her down earlier will help. So have her take one good nap around noon, then she might get tired around 4 or 5, but just hold her off until 6 or 7 and she'll be ready for bed. At first she may then wake up a few hours later, but train her to sleep through that (i know, that's the hard part). Good luck!

Laura said...

Well, you've already read the two books that I've used, so all I have let to say is that babies change all the time. If you don't love the sleep schedule now, it will probably change soon.

whitney said...

The only suggestion that came to mind was putting her to bed earlier rather then later. Each baby is different, but my kids are so much harder to get to stay in bed the later it gets. Good luck!

She's just beautiful, by the way. Those chubby cheeks and dark hair are killers!

Anonymous said...

mulher ela e muito linda e ta muito grande gente o que e isso , que bom que ela come bem....a chacha ama fruta come assim tb direito mas nao pode ver um abatatinha.kkkkkkkkkk que ja sabe ne esqueci tudo mulher agora essa de dormir...a chacha nao queria dormir, ai minha host colocou aquela luz eu esqueci o nome e coloca musiquinha e ela dorme agora tranquila noa acordar nem nada so se ela tiver doente..em fim espero que vc veja ai...bjssssssssssssssss

Mimi Nowland said...

The sleep thing is so tricky. It seemed anytime we had a good routine going something would happen to mess it up (teething, illness, travel). Good luck and remember it doesn't last forever!

Barbara said...

She is adorable!!! Can't wait to see her again!

marianne said...

Oi... Sou amiga de aninha, Camila e temos varios outros amigos em comum...sou de Joao Pessoa, vc me parece bem familiar... sei que e de recife... morei um tempo em Utah e toda vez que vejo uma fotos sua, sinto que realmente a conheco, nao sei... Meu nome e Marianne... Li seu post relativo ao sono de sua bebe (que por sinal e linda)... Tenho 3 filhos e meu 1o. deu bastante trabalho tbm... me vi na sua situacao, morta de cansada, doida pra dormir e tendo que ficar acordada... Nao sei se vc tem orkut mas tem uma comunidade que e so sobre isso, O nome dela e Solucoes para noites sem choro... esse e o Link
Espero que ajude...
Eu tenho um fotolog tbm e sempre te vi por la, e agora te encontrei aqui... e mariannemdec... Bjs