Sunday, June 15, 2008

Climbing Up To The Fall

We spent yesterday afternoon and evening with some dear friends. Jordan was Trevor's mision companion in Mexico and they have been best friends since. Him and his wife hang out with us often.
We got together yesterday, with two other friends of Jordan, to hike Stewart Falls. I *love* hiking! Even though I have the knees of a 80 year old and they remind me of that at almost every step, I love being around nature and, foremost, being outside with Trevor and friends.
Here are some pictures but you can see more on my flickr.

This is Trevor's "Chinese face" picture:Jordan, Lindsey, Miley & Bentley (dogs), Justin, Jan, Trevor, me:


Helga said...

Eita e ae sua djies!!! Ox eu te achei linda que eu nao sou obligated... Entao amei essas fotos dessa tua escalada absurda ;) Meu sabado foi uma loucura!!! Pense! Mas foi legal demais... Agora to aqui, supposedly fazendo homework do Book of Mormon, depois vou ensinar Anselmo a dirigir o carro de marcha hehehehe... O final do domingo promete...
O date com o six pack foi massa! To achando que tem chance de rolar R... Ce ta intendeeeeeenu ne? Mas, not much expectations... Ele tem que sentir falta do meu feijao hahahaha... entao sua djies me ligaaaaa loviu pra xuxu ;)

Aline Carson said...

Ai que gostoso! Eu tb adoro hike, mas eu nunca vou!!!!! Como se aqui em Idaho nao tivesse nenhum lugar pra ir hiking neh...heheheh..Eh a preguica mesmo! Mas aproveite, eh mto gostoso fazer esse tipo de coisa com amigos!

6 P's in a Pod said...

Kika::::AWESOME new blog! It's so cute I want to look at it all day long! My Goodness!

Kara said...

Wow, what a beautiful hike! I'm jealous! ;)

The Blueberry said...

Hi Kika,

The place looks awesome! And you look good!


Janessa Taylor said...

So fun!! Your blogzinho has gotten so cute!!! VERY nice layout :)