I am not a morning person. At. All. But my doctor asked me to work out in the morning, at least do 20 minutes of cardio to get my day going (and my belly thing gone too!).
For the longest time I have been setting my alarm clock to 6am in hopes of waking up early, go to the gym, come back, shower, eat, go to work, etc. Never happens. Never! I just turn the alarm off and go back to bed...
So I thought, maybe if I PRAY for help, HF will help me not be so dead in the morning and actually get out of bed when the alarm rings. I prayed last night, but forgot to set my alarm. And what was my surprise when at SIX O'CLOCK my eyes just opened and I wasn't sleepy anymore... Freaky!! Yes, because I went to bed around 1am, people, I was not supposed to feel "rested" at 6.
But, you ask, did I get out of bed and go to the gym then? Nooooooo I did not!
I remember thinking to myself "whathefreak? It's early, go back to bed!!" and that's what I did.
Well, NOW that I am fully AWAKE I remember asking HF to help me be strong and go work out in the morning. And He did His part. And I didn't do mine. How ungrateful is that?!
Haul Out the Holly!
2 days ago
you're so cute! by the way, that salmon looks yummy on that plate. :) anytime you want to jog or walk...give me a call
Yep...that is how we all are sometimes. We even forget what we did ask from God. But I still loved your reaction:)
So did you guys find out yet if you can come to our ward?
ninguem eh perfeito nao eh? eu sou democrata , mas eu nao entro em discussao com ninguem nao hihihi. Eu sou uma democrata boazinha :)
Foi mesmooo. Eu deixei o comentario lah no teu blog no dia que vc postou sobre o finale nao foi? Eu sou a big fan do show ...
Aiii eu sei qd a preguica bate... eu acordo super cedo para comecar logo o dia senao eu relaxo e pronto hehehe....
Vc nao eh ungrateful nao... eh que as vezes eh dificil conciliar muitas coisas e achar tempo e energia para se exercitar...eu adoro correr cedo mas agora apareceu umas panthers around e coyotes e meu marido me proibiu eehhee...eh que fico bored soh dentro da academia sabe...oh well..
Vai ser otimo te conhecer por aqui!!! Qd eu deixar da preguica do flog eu vou te visitar por lah tah?
O teu blog eh lindo e super warm. Essa foto do header eh belissima!!!
Obrigada pela a visita!!
Super beijo para vc!!!
I so would've done the exact same thing. At least you remember to be grateful now, eh? I absolutely adore your new blog background. So cute!
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