Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Since Friday, when we went to the Brazilian place and had Brazilian pizza (see post bellow) I have been wanting more and more Brazilian food. Yesterday me and my friend Adriana went to a place called La Pequenita (on State Street in Orem) and I bought "fubá", which is a tipe of pre-cooked corn powder that you can make many yummy things with. I chose to make CUZCUZ - which, btw, each state in Brazil has a different way to make it but it's always delicious! - and here is a picture of my special cuzcuz pan that my mom brought me two years ago and my cuzcuz.

I called my aunt in Brazil tonight to get her recipe. 2 cups of the corn mix, 1.3 cups water, mix it, let it sit for about 10 minutes, put in the special pan that has a separator for water to boil its vapor on the bottom, wait until it smells like, well, cuzcuz, and it's good.

Either the mix I bought is old or I put too much water. In either case, it tasted DELICIOUS after some (okay, a LOT) of butter and some salt :) Next time I will make cuzcuz paulista. Google it, looks good! Oh, you can also eat it with milk and sugar, or with salty proteins like eggs, meat, chicken, cheese. Oh SO GOOD!! :)


Anonymous said...

eu vou sentir falta do cuscuz.kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk...aiiaia...bjsssssssss

whitney said...

It sounds good. Don't you hate it when you get all pumped up about cooking something new and then it doesn't turn out :P That's ok, it sounds like you have a fabulous recipe to make next time!