Saturday, July 5, 2008

Fire Works...

There is a hill behind UCCU where we can see the big screen and the fireworks from the Stadium of Fire and we did that last year with some friends. Today we took Trevor'm mother and siblings and some of the family friends and we could watch the entire show, from the big screen. It was cool. Here is a pic of us during the [massive] fireworks.

We walked back. And we live on 100 South. It would have been perfect except that I was wearing sandals and now my feet are kinda sore. I just got a feet rub from the hubby.

Ah freedom.... :)


Anonymous said...

adoro fogos...kkk.;.lindooo oia tu tem msn? se cuida bjssssssss

Brazil's Girl said...

Ei vc fechou com a cara to tio ou nao? Mulher vai pra florida. Vc precisa de uma praia, com agua morna é claro. :)

6 P's in a Pod said...

Hey, this picture is really, really cool! Usually pics of fireworks don't turn out but look at this one.

The Bryan's said...

I love this pic! Really cute!!!