Thursday, July 10, 2008

I Wish I Were A Fish!

A couple of weeks ago we went boating with our friends Jordan and Lindsey.
I could not stand up on the wake board to save my LIFE! But I survived well on the water skis. My camera, though, was not alive when I finally stood up on the water skiis, so all I have is pictures of Trevor and our friends.

Jordan's dad, who so patiently taugh me how to water skii

Jordan showing off his skills
Lindsey and her cute body glove. I want one!
Miley, the doggie. What a cutie!
My White Shark! :)


Anonymous said...

massaaaaaaaaaaaaa...amei eu quero fazer isso um dia...ahuhuahau.bjsss

whitney said...

How fun! I'm jealous...I don't think I've ever even been on a boat. How lame is that? :P

whitney said...

Take that back...I've been on a ferry once. Does that count?

Janessa Taylor said...

OMIgosh, I'm so jealous. Ever since being pregnant, all I want to do is stuff I CAN'T DO!!!! Like waterskii!! (and now you won't be able to unfortunately :))