Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Parlez Vous Français?

My brother is a DJ in Portugal and this morning he is on his way to Paris to play at some clubs. By invitation, cuz he is that cool.

Here are some pics of my hot brotha.

Can you keep him in your thoughts and prayers that his trip will be safe and sound? You know... *sound*? :)

Merci Beaucoup!


Anonymous said...

eita dj que quero dançar pra comemora meu visto.hauhauauh....mas só que medooooooo...como vc ta em? bjsssssssss

whitney said...

That's so cool! I'm verrry impressed. Here's wishing him a safe and super-cool trip!

Aline Carson said...

Nossa, que fotos legais!!!! Mto da hora mesmo!

Janessa Taylor said...

woah... look what I missed out on.. haha :) Yes, hoping he is safe...that's good he's having so much success as a DJ!