Friday, November 14, 2008

I Am Grateful For - Day 13

I was struggling with a very annoying and strong pain on my... well, I call it "upper butt"! It wasn't my lower back and it wasn't my butt butt, so... upper butt it was. It hurt (like H***) when I walked, when I sat, when I laid down, when I bent over or backwards or sideways. It just HURT! Everyone was saying "ah it's the pregnant sciatica, just get used to it." I am not going to get used to ANY pain, thank you very much!

So I went to Dr Bowers, our regular chiropractor, and I loved the special treatment: because of my being pregnant he had me lay on extra cushions that didn't put any weight on my belly, and he also had a different position for my legs. So it was VERY comfortable for baby and me! He said it was my fifth lumbar that was "twisted" and it was stressing my sciatic nerve BUT once he put my lumbar back on the right spot... I am as good as new! :) It still feels sore right now, which is normal, but it is already so much better!! I know that by tomorrow I won't feel a thing and I will be able to function without pain!

Thank you Dr Bowers!!!

If anyone wants his number, let me know :)

1 comment:

Gabby said...

Menina, quem estah precisando de um chiropractor sou eu, visse? Huauahauhua Eu tb seria gratissima por um nesse momento :)

Hey, sua meninina, tu recebestes minha mensagem? Eu acho que eu te liguei umas tres semanas atras e eu nunca mais ouvi de ti... Bem, espero que as coisas estejam bem contigo em todos os aspectos da vida, tah? Tu sabes que estou aqui quando precisares conversar e desabafar... Eu sou preguicosa para postar na internet e comentar sempre aqui, mas eu estou sempre aqui acompanhando e desejando tudo de bom e available quando precisares conversar e gritar e xingar e sorrir e falar besteira :)

Beijao Kika e menininha linda na barriga!!! Se cuidem!!