Monday, February 16, 2009

The P Count

Because the most inconvenient thing during this pregnancy (and I hear all pregnancies) is to have to P all the time, I have decided to write down how many times in one day I had to go P.
This count started on Sunday at midnight:

12:37 am
1:20 am
3:15 am
5:28 am
8:31 am
9:49 am
11:10 am
1:56 pm
3:05 pm
4:18 pm
5:42 pm
7:15 pm
9:02 pm
11:57 pm

Isn't that all you needed to make your Tuesdat wonderful?! ;)

Me is curious, what was the most inconvenient aspect of your pregnancy?


Fernanda Urquidi said...

Oh my!
Se eu já faço xixi o tempo todo sem estar gravida... imagine qdo estiver... hahahah

Gabby said...

Que horror, deve ser podre mesmo!!
Mas aguenta Kika, daki a pouco isso td vai ser coisa do passado e quando Olivia estiver aih nos teus bracos tu vais ver que valeu tudo a pena :)

Susie said...

The first time, having to get up so many times all night long was horrible. But you get used to it. Because I still don't sleep through most nights! the kids are old enough that they don't wake me up much anymore, but I still have to get up to P. I never had to do that before kids!

The thing that bugged me the most, though,was that my hips hurt. I woke up to roll over every hour or so, because they hurt so bad, and rolling over when you're as big as a whale is so difficult!

Rachel said...

Having sex was very interesting.

Rebeca Price said...

haha, sua amiga Rachel falou bem. Having sex was interesting.

Mas mulher, uma coisa q vc vai ficar super aliviada depois q tiver a bebe eh q tu nao precisa ir ao banheiro essas vezes todas. Nossa, foi um alivio de verdade. Eu lembro q na ultima semana eu ia a cada meia hora no banheiro durante a noite e como tava tao calor, eu suava no meio das pernas e eu acahva q minha bolsa tinah estourado. Eu ia no banheiro o tempo todo pra verificar..hahaha. Q onda neh? mas eh assim.
Outra coisa q achei ruim foi q minhas pernas doiam muito emsmo nas ultiams semas. Especialmente depois da festa junina..hahahaha.

Erica said...

Too cute! That little girly is just preparing you for all the sleepness nights ahead once she's actually here ;)

I haven't hit the wake up in the middle of the night to pee yet but I absolutely hate ROLLING OVER while I'm trying to sleep. I have to lug the huge body pillow around to keep in between my legs and than the sheets get all messed up - it's just not fun. I'll be excited to sleep on my belly soon!

P.S. Totally agree with Rachel !!!

Barbara said...

concordo que sex life is quite interesting...haha mas olha essa de ir no banheiro toda hora acho q todas nos passamos por isso, chega ate ser cansativo de tanto ir ao banheiro.. mas passa depois q vc tem seu bebe. Menina e amei poder dormir em outra posicao fora os lados, apesar de ainda nao conseguir dormir de barriga para baixo por causa da amamentacao...
tu eh mto engracada visse?! adorei esse post.

Anonymous said...

Sério? Todas essas vezes? Meu Deus!!

Kristin Hanson said...

Tell Trevor that at least it's not the other big P :)

here's the free bag link

I am so dang excited for Brazilian food!!!! Can we just go next week??

Kara said...

oh girl you crack me up! I've definitely not seen a P count post before... hahaha

6 P's in a Pod said...

I pee that much and I'm not pregnant. (*But I do drink a ton of water and a tonner of Diet Pepsi). At least you'll get a beautiful little baby girl out of the situation. All I get is a sore bum and a large toilet paper expense.

Aubrey {All Things Bright and Beautiful} said...

Yeah, I think the P-thing was probably the most annoying part of being pregnant, but by the time you are to the third trimester, I would have to say weighing 20-30lbs more than you usually do!!! (c:

The Swinglers said...

Os enjoos!!! Vc é mto abençoada por n ter tido essa sensação horrivel de estar doente o tempo todo! :)