Here are some of my favorite (and rated G) pictures from yesterday:
Update on baby: She has spent almost the ENTIRE day today towards my right side. I push and push her so she will move around and when she does, she comes back. What is it about my right side that she likes so much? Or maybe she is just starting to show me that she IS as sttuborn as her mother!
she did such a good job. i just might get prego so she can take pictures of my belly!
Cute! Those are some good picts!
Beautiful pictures! They make me wish I had taken preggo pics! :)
Cute Wheeler Farm? I really like to take Sam there. By the way, a nurse actually told me at my last appointment that if the baby is ever on a position that is uncomfortable or hurts I should try a cold compress where the baby is, and usually makes them move. Funny thing, my baby also seems to love my right side! Almost every time I feel him kick is on my right side,and sometimes I look at my belly and it looks really crooked!Maybe there is something special about that side...
Menina nao acredito que vc ja esta com 37 semanas! eu tb tirei minhas fotos com 37 semanas, e uma semana depois, THOMAS NASCEU!!! HEHEHE
Ficaram lindas suas fotos... e sim, é verdade, eles crescem rapido demais!!!!
Thomas tambem gostava de ficar num lado da minha barriga, e se eu deitava desse lado, ele chutava ate eu virar para o outro lado. come to think of it, agora ele so gosta de dormir pra esquerda (que era o lado que eu nao podia ficar deitada) sera que tem a ver?!?!
Lindas fotos!
Gostei muito!!
E q barrigão hein?! Sua filha vai ser bem grandona!! Isso é bom!
Boa sorte ai com tudo
Love all the photos! You make me miss being pregnant...You look really good! I looked terrible around this time...I do wish I had taken pictures only for me to see. keep us updated please..:)Ah, sua barriga esta linda! E believe me, not at all too big.
Beautiful pictures. So cute!
So beautiful! I love the ones with you and Trevor's hands on your belly. And the one with you kicking your leg up - your personality shining through - love it :)
And about that right side thing - Brooklyn was the same way. I didn't get any stretch marks until the last month and I ended up with some on the underside of my belly - 1 on the left and like 3 or 4 on the right!!! That little stinker :)
ADorei as fotos! One HOT Mama!! Estou super animada para te ver sabado! :)
I love the pics! And I love those cute hats. You two are going to be so cute tog.
What a beautiful pregnant lady you are! You will always treasure these pictures. They are darling!
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