Tuesday, April 15, 2008

And The Oscar Goes To...

V A S E L I N E !!!

So far, and because I already had it at home, it has worked great! It IS kinda weird at first and you feel like you will never be able to open your eye again after using it but I am getting the hang of it.

THANK YOU Nat for recommending it!

And SHAME ON YOU Nikki aned Renatha for using plain soap or just leaving make-up on! Plain soap has harsh chemicals that our sweet facial skin should not be exposed to. And leaving make-up on... that is SkinCare101, we should NEVER do that!

And that is why I still look 23! hahaha

Okay, that's all for now!
It was Trevor's bday on Sunday and I have some pictures to post soon!

Have a great day, y'all!


missy. said...

hi kika, i got your comment on my blog. we are actually living in massachusetts right now, not utah. we go to a ramo brasileiro out here, e a maioria de nossos amigos aqui sao brasileiros. my husband and i both served missions in brasil, so it's been a great opportunity for us to keep up our portuguese! e voce, voce vem de onde?

Susie said...

Hey, try cold cream. It's not quite as goopy as vaseline, but it takes off make up. I usually use lotion because I don't want to buy cold cream, but the fragrance probably isn't great for your eyes...