Saturday, April 5, 2008

Trevor's Mission Reunion

It was yesterday, Friday, at a chapel in Provo.
His mission president and wife live in Arizona but came up for conference and invited the missionaries to visit. It was a nice event.
Here is my lame collage, in Portuguese... (someone please teach me how to photoshop!)

On the top left, Trevor's companion and best friend Jordan and his wife Lindsey, me, Trevor, and elder Chavez and his wife.
The second picture has Trevor, Jordan and two other missionaries from the Vera Cruz Mexico mission.
The last picture has his mission president and wife and Trevor and me. Please note that those boobs are not all mine, they are victoria's secret's! Kuddos for their new bio-something bra. I love it, it loves me, it's PERFECT! :)

Watching conference this morning feeling guilty about eating bread last night. Jordan and Lindsey and us went to Carrabas for dinner after the reunion. Have you been there? Could you resist their warm bread dipped i olive oil and herbs? Yeah, neither could I! *sigh* Trevor kept telling me "just splurge, it's ok". No, it's not okay, cuz Kika can't eat just one slice, no, no no, Kika eats almost the HOLE LOAF!!! So, yah, splurge is what I did. Blah!

So... I am going to watch the second session at the gym, running, burning the 458304875 thousand calories from that bread. Humph!

1 comment:

Kara said...

You're hilarious! And I have that same problem with bread--especially Carrabas with the dipping oil...hmm, that makes me hungry!