For almost a week I have been thinking about something cool to blog about and then Ellie tagged me so here it goes:
What I was doing...
10 years ago:
In 1998 I was preparing my mission papers. I sent them in June and went to Portugal visit the family and while I was there I received my mission call and returned to Brazil in August, entered the São Paulo MTC in September and served in the Brazil Curitiba Mission till February 2000.
5 years ago:
In 2003 I was done taking my masters degree credits and was starting to focus on the thesis. I was teaching Dama in the Classroom and Introduction to Theatre at BYU, Brazilian dance to the Young Amabassadors and life was good. I *really* miss teaching!
1 year ago:
I was already working here at TNI but in the call center. Trevor and some friends threw me a little surprise bday party and we had my favorate cake: ice cream cake from Baskin Robins. We were living in a TINY studio apartment and were planning our trip to visit my family in Portugal.
I was picked up to watch my friends Camilla's and Renatha's sons while Camilla was in labor. I got to her house around 2am and baby Daniel was finally born around 9am. I went home around 10am, took a nap, came to work at noon. Visited Camilla and baby Daniel after work and went to the gym, where I watched So You Think You Can Dance on the treadmile. Yes, I am sore today!
5 snacks I enjoy:
Sweet Peas
Hot chocolate
Gum (it actually keeps me from snacking so much)
Books I like:
The Little Women
The little Prince
Don't Sweat The Small Stuff
Scripture guides
What I’d do with 100 million dollars:
I would make sure all my family and friends (in Brazil, Portugal, USA, etc) have a house, education, clothing, food, employment, health care and a vacation anywhere they want. Then I would start my theatre company.
5 places I’d love to run away to:
My mom's house in Portugal
My grandma's house in Brazil
Not run away to but I'd love to visit: all Europe, all Asia, Alaska and Australia
5 bad habits and/or pet peeves I have:
People who talk and talk when they're in a classroom or any setting where they SHOULD be QUIET!
People who feed their kids in church just so they'll be quiet but don't realize their children are getting OBESE!
People break the law willingly, especially those who abuse the welfare system
People who drive 10 or more miles UNDER the speed limit
People who need professional help but don't get any.
My bad habits are: I don't drink enough water, I like to sleep in and often get late to work, I like to go to bed late therefore I sleep in and get late to work, I procrastinate, I like expensive stuff way too much.
5 things I like doing:
Cuddle time with Trevor.
Be with family and friends
Swimming, dancing, playing soccer (sports in general)
Watching tv
5 things I would never wear:
I really don't know what I would never wear. I am married and I am into theatre... Hmmmm... Am I bad? :)
5 tv shows I like:
Law & Order: SVU (and all the other ones as well)
So You Think You Can Dance
Conan O'Brien
The news
5 famous people I’d like to meet:
The cast of Law & Order:SVU
Madre Teresa
Chuck Lydell
Renato Russo
people I’d like to see fill this out:
Annie Bananie
Wrapping Up 2024
3 days ago
Kika ripilicaaaaaaa
kd as fotos do novo ap?!?Fiquei cruiosaaaaaaaa rsrsr.
Menina ñ sabia q vc começou como call center no Noni.
Obrigada pelo reacdinho tão carinhoso.E pode ter crtza que estamos voltando aos pocuos pra a church,e qndo voltar de evz te falo.Pode deixar q será uma das primeira a saber.
Adoro tu xuxu
Menina q delicia ver o teu flog...ta lindo...e eu adoro as suas fotos...mas entao q pena q nao pudemos no ver e falar mais tempo,fiquei naquela jossa das 9 da manha ate as 3 da tarde e ai domingo tivemos q voltar pra buscar o passaporte,pq nao ia ficar pronto mais naquele dia por causa da hora q tinhamos entrado. Entao,mas a Bebelle se comportou mto bem,fiquei super feliz e orgulhosa tenho e q tomar cuidado pq ela e tao fofa q todo mundo quer capturar essa menina. Hehehehehe....
Mas entao muie...Helgations sumiu do com saudades dela...a menina e tao divertida,adoro adoro adoro passar tempo com a Helga...e temos q combinar algo esse verao pq vai ser mto divertido a gente se encontrar e fazer uma festinha....vcs nao pensam em visitar Idaho nao???qq coisa a casa esta aberta...
bjks mil
Nossa, isso pq enquanto eu tava lendo tudo isso tava pensando, "nossa, eu nunca conseguiria fazer isso" pq eh mto dificil lembrar de coisas q aconteceram ha tanto tempo!
Mas blz, vou tentar...Adorei saber q vc eh super into theatre! Que legal, eu tb amoooo!
Adorei ler as suas respostas, Kika. Beijinhos pra vc e tudo de bom. it ok if I post my comment in English;)
I so remember that TINY apartment. I was very impressed that ya'll were making it work in such a small space. It was possibly the smallest apartment I've ever seen. Yay! for living in a bigger place!
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