Monday, July 7, 2008

In Love or In Lust?

Banana Milk.

400 Calories per bottle, 100 from fat
60g of sugar per bottle and only 16 of protein...


It's so good that it can only be an invention from Satan himself.

And I am getting addicted.



Becky said...

looks yummy! :) you can find shredded wheat just in the cereal isle. its yummy w/ bananas. que gostoso!! beijos!

Unknown said...

ooo! love the new blog look! and you are too funny... but that sounds really yummy.


Eita nóis!!!!!!!!!
Imagino que deve ser bom,mas com crtza bem calórico.
MAs pq será que tudo o que é mtooooooo bom,faz engordar,né?!?!?!


Critchfield fam said...

Looks Delicious! Better let it be just a once a month. I LOVE strawberry milk! I miss you. Tell Annie I said hello and that she needs to start a blog!

Brazil's Girl said...

Please tell me it tastes better than making it yourself(expending calories is a good thing before you drink it)with real bananas e of course leite ninho? There's nothing that beats vitamina de banana. Is there? If so don't tell me I'd rather not know.