Sunday, January 4, 2009

Don't Mess With Me :)

So yesterday was my turn to take a class to get a Utah Concealed Firearm Permit. We took the class at my apartment, our friend Jason taught the class and five other people attended. I even made mini muffins and hot chocolate - what a good host! ha ha :)

To get information on how to sign up for Jason's future classes, go to this page. The class was VERY throrough, and I HIGHLY recommend it. The pricing is also great (there is a discount if couples take it together and all)! Trevor has his permit already but he told me later that the class he took wasn't close to being as informative as Jason's.

Here is me practicing my gun holding and shooting stances. The pic on the right is me auditioning to join the Law and Order crew... fancy posing!

And lets try not to notice that I should have been wearing a black bra, alright?


The Bryan's said...

Where did your baby go??? Your belly is so cute and small!!! I don't like your kind kika!hehehe I get huge!

Daniele said...

Cool! Eu peguei essa classe tambem em Novembro aqui em SLC (outro teacher though) e adorei tambem. Beijinhos

Rachel said...

well i would have let you borrow my bra, just ask!

Rebeca Price said...

vixe abalou!!! eu tbm tenho q pegar a minha license..brandon vive dizendo q eu preciso saber usar a dia, quem sabe..


Olha só!!!!!!!!!
Sabia que morro de vontade de dar um tirinho assim,só pra ver como é(se bem que sou meio medrosa).
Kiekte coloquei fotos no orkut e no blog.
Mas nem dá pra ver mto!!!!
Amo tuuuuuuuuuuuuu


Kiketeeeeeeee!Só vi hj que vc tinha colocado eu pra fazer TAG!!!!
Tá lá já no meu blog :)

Aubrey {All Things Bright and Beautiful} said...

You are like the hottest prego ever!! The gun suits you...(c: