I was thinking about all the "dos" and "don'ts" I hear from all sorts of people about pregnancy.
Here are some funny and funky advices... or are they folklore??
- Why are you wearing high heals? Pregnant women should only wear flats.
- Don't cross your legs, it will cut AIR supply to the baby.
- Don't cross your legs, it will give you spider webs/veins.
- Don't go up the stairs, you're pregnant!
- Are you running? But you're pregnant!
- Stay put and don't lift anything, you're pregnant.
- If you scratch your belly, you'll get strech marks.
- I can tell you're pregnant by your nose and forehead. (wtf??)
So... aren't these great?
What have people told YOU when you were pregnant that made you go "huh"?
Wrapping Up 2024
4 days ago
Supposedly the spider veins one is true. *shrug*
Loved the belly picture on your last post. You are the cutest little pregnant mommy!
Here's an interesting thing that happened to me when I was pregnant with Julia. I put it my blog, here's the link:
But yeah, funny what people will tell you. I've heard that when you work out and stay fit when pregnant that labor goes more smoothly. Don't know if that's true, but it sure gave me motivation to keep working out!! :) I went for a jog on Ben's due date and was just fine. :)
Whoa! My favorite is the nose and forehead one...haha. How funny!
I can see how the spider vein thing could happen. And the heels are because your center of balance is off and you're more likely to stumble and twist your ankle, or just plain fall down.
The strangest thing I ever heard was in Brazil, from Sister Probo. She said that pregnant women always have a bad taste in their mouth that makes them want to throw up (apparently that's the source of all morning sickness), so they spit. All the time. On the ground, as they're walking. Eeew! She would do it too, if she was feeling nauseous. Double eeew!
Of course, she also told me that I was crazy for ironing my skirt right after I got out of the shower. She said the heat from the iron would make my wet head explode. What the???
The dumbest folklore I ever heard is that a baby with lots of hair gives you heartburn because the hair tickles your stomach. Uh, gross! Do you really think the baby is just floating around in the middle of all your vital organs, with nothing between? If so, you'd better be worried about delivery, because you just might push out your liver, your pancreas, and all sorts of other useful things.
I don't know about that nose and forehead things but EVERYTHING else you listed - I did! And am I perfectly fine - yep :) Along with dying my hair, etc.
Funny what people say or think :)
A lady told me to not tie anything around my belly b/c the umbilical cord could make a knot or wrap around the baby. crazy.
hehehehe bjos!
Someone at church told me to do a head stand every night, to make sure the girls stayed head down for delivery!
I laughed at her face! :)
One more...
Many people told me not to vacuum while pregnant because it would send me into labor.
People wanted to die when they saw me shoveling snow when I was 9 months pregnant....I did it so many times...and no babies!
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