Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Is My Mom A Witch?

As you know my baby is due on March 14.

My mom was supposed to fly in around the 10th or 12th to try and be here for the delivery.


She called me last week to say she has to fly in around the 7th of March because on the 10th of March the moon is changing, it will become full and that means that... baby will be born then!!

So, ladies and gentlemen, I present you my new due date: March 10th. Changed officially by the moon calendar.
Thank you!

When was the last time you thought your mother was very wrong when she was indeed very right?


2 + 2+1 = 5 said...

Your mom is right...partially. It does happen to many women, but it is not a science.

Now...barometric pressure is....and I was not surprised when the barometric pressure changed and I went to the hospital....

Let's hope you get lucky

Fernanda Urquidi said...

Olha Kika, minha mãe sempre fala q na virada da lua a maternidade fica cheia... e como minha mae estudou medicina e chegou ate a fazer estagio em hospital (ela largou qdo eu nasci...) eu ACREDITO, mas nenhum obstetra vai te falar isso né?!


Phil and Becca said...

Sorry to be the pessimist, but first babies are almost ALWAYS late. I hope you prove me wrong though. But, if the baby is late, you can spend a lot of nice time alone with your mainha.

Anonymous said...

Apesar de não ter muito conhecimento.. eu meio q acredito nessas coisas!! Nossa.. eu não tinha notado como está tão pertinho de nascer!!! bjs

Susie said...

It's funny, because it actually happens! When I was a teenager, I went to visit my neighbor in the hospital after she had her baby. The nurses were going NUTS because there had been so many babies born the night before. They said, "it happens every time there's a full moon." And it slows down in between!
Now me, they just schedule a c-section when it's convenient for them. I have no moon calendar!

Of COURSE you can spread the word about my designs to anyone you wish! Maybe someone you know is a digital scrapper and will buy something, even!

The Bryan's said...

Lucas came 5 days early and Joshua came 15 days early. I also walked a lot towards the end because I was going nuts. Vc vai fazer cesaria ou normal? Estou anciosa por voce. Ainda esta trabalhando??? Devia tirar um break umas semanas antes pra descasar e aproveitar. Vai dar tudo certo! :)

j said...

Eu so sei que com lua ou nao eu to doida pra ver a carinha dessa baby aqui no teu blog. Um bjoooo Kika!!!! E que essa lua traga muitas coisas boas kkkkk

Jenny Taylor said...

Sam came early, at 37 weeks. And believe it or not, the night I went to the hospital the labor and delivery ward got really packed...we asked the nurse and she said...full moon, it happens. So there you go,I don't know if it happens to everybody, but it does have an affect in some prego women! Glad your mom is going to be here for all of this!And, yes, more often than not my mom is right about something I though she wasn't.

Aubrey {All Things Bright and Beautiful} said...

You know, I must say I have heard that before and it seems to be backed by lots of testimonials! (c: Good luck and for your sake I hope she is right (the earlier the better, right? If you're alreay full term, of course!).

Helga said...

Whether Olivia comes on the 10th, on the 14th or whenever she wants to, the djieeeeesssss will abaleitch hehehehehe :) Loviu

Anonymous said...

oieeee..menina que coisa, brilhou sua mae..eita que emocao..a bb..bjsssssssssss

Erica said...

too cute.

and about my mom being happens way more often then I care to admit :)

Anonymous said...

O carnaval está ótimo por aqui, apesar de eu estar exausta!!

Deixa eu te fazer uma pergunta.. vc é de qual cidade/estado aqui no Brasil?



Eita mas sabia que esse negócio da lua tem que levar créditos mesmo, pelo - minha mãe sempre acerta com isso.
Só sei que Olívia vai vir linda seja o dia que for!!!!!!!!!
Amo tu Kikaaaaaaaaaa

Kara said...

Oh Kika, the title alone cracks me up! You are too funny! Guess you'll find out soon if your momma is right!