Thursday, September 10, 2009

Upcoming Posts

I look at that "Upcoming Posts" thing on my blog every single day... just too lazy to make the post I guess. But you know what? It's now or never. Here it goes!
Olivia's Blessing
We blessed Olivia on April 19th, two days before my mom left to Portugal. We did it combined with Maya's blessing at my sis-in-law Kat's house. It was intimate and beautiful.

My Friend the Designer!
A few weeks later my mission companion and friend Susie Lancastar made Olivia's birth announcements. She made them in a couple of hours, if I can remember correctly, and she had five different designs for us to pick. We chose one to print in Portuguese and one in English, and some of you have received yours already. For those who haven't seen them, here they are:

If you'd like to contact Susie about birth/engagements/wedding announcements and digital scrap booking pages, just click here!

Farmer's Market
I love Provo's farmers' market! And even though I don't ever purchase farm produce there (nothing personal, I walk there so it's annoying to walk back with a bunch of stuff...), I love going over with Olivia and watching my fellow capoeira friends perform. Olivia seems to love it too! Here we are at two different occasions at the Provo farmers' market.
The Provo Farmers' Market is on 500 West Center Street in Provo on Saturdays from 11am-2pm.

A Girl Can't Wear Pink Everyday

If you read my blog you know that I don't love pinks, purples, bows, etc. I guess sometimes it IS cute but I get overwhelmed and try to dress Olivia in other colors too. Yes, I do shop on the boys section at times, it has great sales and my favorite color: RED.
But this onesie, from Walmart, is just irresistible:

I guess I am updated now on the "Upcoming Posts" section. Phew!!



Kikete eu AMEIIIIIIII esta última roupinha. Mto xuxuzinha .rs

E olhaaaaaaaa eu ganhei o anuncio dela que nasceu. Tão lindo, tão doce e delicado.
Tenha um ótimo fds!!!!

Barbara said...

Mulher vamos combinar alguma coisa soon!!

Aline Carson said...

hahahaha isso foi engracado. Boa ideia!!!! As vezes eu tb tenho vontade de fazer isso pq no fim, acabo esquecendo das coisas importantes que eu tinha que postar. Pq na verdade eu acho que faco isso mais pra mim doq pra qq outra coisa. Pq eu nao escrevo diario nem nada das criancas entao acho que isso eh uma boa maneira de keep record of everything!
Mas eu amei as fotos, esse onesie eh demais!!! E o birth announcement ficou lindo e tb ela estava linda na bencao. Mas foi na casa da sua sis-in-law ou foi na igreja? Nao entendi essa parte. hehehe.
Mas eh isso.

Megan said...

Olivia is just SO beautiful! I love all the pics, Kika. Keep them coming!

Melanie said...

I love these pictures- Olivia really is so beautiful. She's getting so big!

Anonymous said...

mulher mais ta linda demais essa menina oxeeeeeeeeeee...da vontade de cuida flor.bjsssssssssssssssssssssssss

Jordan said...

Uhhh think I'M going to Walmart pretty quick here.... ;)

Jordan said...

Omigosh, I'm an idiot, this is Janessa, and I'm signed in under basically all the comments under "Jordan" are me (I mean, it's not like Jordan reads blogs........)

whitney said...

I l.o.v.e your announcements, they're just so gorgeous (as is your daughter;). yay! for colors other an pink (I get a little sick of it too)!