I think everybody knows what happened this Sunday at the 2009 VMAs, I don't have tv right now and I know. Then Kanye West went to tv show(s) and radio(s) to say that he's sorry. I don't believe him. I believe he is sorry that his stupidity and jack*$$ness got caught on camera but his apology did not seem sincere to me.
See, sometimes (or most the time) we tell someone we are sorry just because we know it is the right thing to do. We have all done it, sometimes we just know in our heads that we should say 'sorry' but we don't necessarily feel it in our hearts. I remember once learning that if I have offended someone and it has been brought to my attention, the right thing to do would be to say I am sorry. Then, it's up to the other person to forgive me. I have said "sorry" so... if the person does not forgive me then it's not my fault anymore, right? The ball is on their court.
Deep down, I think that's pretty lame. Call me weirdo but I think we can all tell when an apology is sincere, and when it's fake. I can. I have received one of these ones recently and it just... sucks. It sucks because it is clear that it was just "the right thing to do." It sucks because it was short and with not much thought put into it. It sucks because it came right after the words "I love you" and since then the person has done absolutely NOTHING to demonstrate that so called love to me. It sucks because it came from someone who has blocked me out of their live but loves to know what's going on with mine. And it sucks even more because I was fool enough to believe in it and now am hurt again.
I don't even call it fake apology alone... I call it hypocrisy.
But that's just my two cents... what's yours?
Haul Out the Holly!
3 days ago
Woah, who IS this mystery person? OK I'm just nosy. Anyway, just wanted to tell you that it's pretty funny--Jordan always says that I just apologize so that HE will apologize and that mine isn't sincere...
Sad thing is, he's kinda right...you know 50% of the time :)
Kika, eu não vi o aconteceu, e só li sobre quando já estava no pedido de desculpas, nem assisti a nem pedido de desculpas dele. Não tenho como dizer se foi falso ou não, ou li quen uma das coisas q ele disse num programa de tv ao qual foi se desculpar com a menina, foi que ele estava passando por um momento mto dificil com a morte da mãe e tal. Será que alguém usaria isso tão descaradamente assim? Eu não, mas vai saber neh!
Usually I'll just apologize to someone when I really feel sorry... However the whole theory of throwing the ball on the other person's court is very valid to me. I don't want to spend my life worrying and apologizing to a person that doesn't want to forgive... Do you remember when I went to my friend's house when I was in Provo this last Summer to apologize to her - and she was mad at me because I forgot to call her back? Well, she wasn't there, but she knew I came with the intent to apologize... Well, she never called me. So I moved on :)
That's my 50-cent hehehehehe
Love you
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