Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I Did Not Ask Permission To Do This

But I am sure my dear DIL (dad-in-law) doesn't mind.
A couple of weeks ago I posted about a little heartbrake I am trying to recover from. My sweet, kind, loving and wise dad sent me an email that has been echoing in my head since then:

Dearest Kika;
Lost friendship is often like losing someone you love to death. It is natural to grieve. It is healthy to grieve. Only, with death, we know we will be reunited with that loved one we have lost temporarily. With a lost friend, however, there may never be sweet reunion, as well as the long sought closure we seek. I think it is harder for women to lose a friend than it is for a man. Women form strong bonds, tell each other secrets, cry together, laugh together. men do some of that stuff, but not much.
This I know, whoever this person is, she is aware of your pain and I am sure she reads your blog and has been monitoring it from time to time. She knows. This means that she is sadiscally witholding her friendship from you and feels justified for some reason. Your pain has been apparent, your need for closure is obvious. I don't know if you will ever get that from this individual. I hope you do. Plant your seeds of friendship in fertile ground. there are a lot of people that love you and appreciate you for what you are; beautiful, intelligent, funny, talented, kind, spiritual and warm. You're a wonderful mother and wife, and you have a strong love for the Lord. All your hopes and dreams will be realized in this life at some point. Be patient, be prayerful, be forgiving, be serving. The Lord is aware of your pains and burden. Call upon Him with great faith and He will lift them from your shoulders. Thank you for bringing Olivia into the world! She is a bright light that brings us all great joy!

Be patient, be prayerful, be forgiving, be serving.
That is exactly what I need to be! New Years Resolution? I hope so!
Thanks for reminding me, Dad. I love you!


j said...

Kika minha fia, what else I can say to you? Seu sogro disse tudo ai. Como falamos "botou pra la". Tu vai se curar um dia. E oh eu aqui que te amo mesmo a distancia e ainda sem ter te conhecido pessoalemnte , embora moramos no mesmo pais?!?!??! Entao, nao se esqueca q o Senhor te ama, Ele colocou no teu caminho muitas pessoas, muitos amigos e as vezes acontece mesmo mas sabe de um coisa q aprendi: TUDO SERVE DE EXPERIENCIA, e ainda podemos ser gratos por tudo e todos a nossa volta nao eh mesmo. Um bjao arretado de grande no teu coracaozinho lindo. Bjussss. Emilia Julia AZ

The Swinglers said...

O q eu posso te dizer? Seu sogro ja disse TUDO! Qt amor e sabedoria! Vc é mto abençoada em ter familiares q te amam de verdade e se preocupam com seu bem estar. Isso é uma grande benção!
Fica bem! Feliz Ano Novo!!!

SamantaTG said...

q lindo,belas palavras as dele,q sabedoria...
e q paizão vc tem né....um sogro-pai hehehe
bjão querida e n desanime,um dia agente conversa pessoalmente....e vamos rir desse povo chato q feioso q passa na nossa vida...

Anonymous said...

brilhou seu sogrooooooooo...vc e super mesmo..bjs florrrrrrrrrrr.

Barbara said...

Sogrinho Abalou hein???QUE LINDO!!!
Let's make it OUR New Year resolution!
bjao e obrigada por compartilhar...foi perfeito...

Nani said...

As palavras dele sao sabias viu Kika! :)

whitney said...

I can never read any of your blog comments, lol.

What a great dad. (((hugs)))

Roberta Pavanelo said...

muito lindo!
Seu blog é muito bom! sua pitoca linda. Posso ser sua seguidora?

Aubrey {All Things Bright and Beautiful} said...

That Scotty is a wise man! It must come from his sister, lisa...(c: There is nothing quite like losing a good friend. I do think that your friend got the short end of the stick, though! (c: I can't believe how big Olivia is! What a little doll!!!

Gabby said...


Mrs.Drohan said...

Kika, where have you been?
Como estah little Olivia?
Beijos beijos lindona!!!

Mrs.Drohan said...

Huh, I hope you recover soon, Kika!
I have been there before and it is not fun.... I know.

Anonymous said...

Gente que coisa mais linda para se dizer!!! Fiquei emocionada....
Sabe que te amo né amiga? Apesar dessa enormeeeee distância rs...
beijo no seu coração!