Sunday, February 21, 2010

Last One, I Guess

Olivia is 11 months old today. WHAT? I know all you moms probably feel the same way I do, and probably ask yourselves these same questions:
How and why is this happening??
Why is my baby getting so independent?
Why does she prefer the floor instead of my arms?
Where's that tiny fragile body that barely fit
between my breasts when she was born?
Ok, wait, that does NOT mean I want ANOTHER baby, not right now anyway, but I do miss my tiny piece of poops for sure!
So, to the love of my life, the main one responsible for me staying alive and having hope in life and the human race, OLIVIA, I love you so much! Te amo mais do que palavras possam descrever!
Once upon a time we went to the mall
Olivia had a MAJOR blowout
which was stinky and all...
And that's all she had left to wear.

We like Pilates.

And she loves dada.
And hopefully she loves mamae.
Happy 11 months of life, meu amor! :)
{got your emails, will be sending invites to this blog soon. thanks girlies!}


Bia said...

11 meses? Já!!
Ela continua mais fofa do que nunca, Kika!
Respondi a sua pergunta lá no blog. Foi a pergunta que achei mais interessante e que me fez pensar no futuro! :)


Cynthia Pratt said...

Minha sobrinha ta uma coisa fofa! Parabens Kika pelas sementes que voce tem plantado na vida de Olivia no quesito educacao, amor, familia. Ela obviamente te ama e um dia sera mais capaz de expressar isso. Nao fique frustrada se nem tudo e do jeito que voce quer, por mais que voce a proteja, ela vai crescer com as proprias experiencias e isso inclui dor as vezes, faz parte do plano neh? Pra ela o importante e ter o perfeito conhecimento de que SEMPRE podera contar com o Pai Celestial e com os pais terenos. bjo pra vcs.

Cynthia Pratt said...

Olivia e uma graca pq certamente tem o teu astral no sangue. A graciosidade dela e muito alem do que simples atributos fiisicos. Mas claaaaaaaaaro que a bixa e gostosa neh? Voce certamente tem feito um bom trabalho como mae amiga. Parabens.

j said...

Kika , que mocinha gotosa da titia viu? EU amei a segunda foto. Ela eh uma graca de linda!!!! Bjussss

mijken said...

it goes by so fast!! invite me to your blog?

Helga said...

She's the cutest little tchonga! :)

Barbara said...

LINDA!!!!!!!!! Ta tao grande!!! Passa rapido neh?

nicole hill gerulat said...

your baby girl is so cute! yes, i'd LOVE to know where my pictures are ending up -thank you!

whitney said...

Ahhh, such a beautiful girl! She has just the cutest outfits! I'm sure you'll miss her while you're in CA, but you'll come home loving her all the more and feeling so refreshed, I promise. Have fun!

ps-yes, your invites (obviously) worked ;)


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