I've lost 3 days of work due to food poisoning. Yesterday I could barely get out of bed, poor Olivia was bored out of her mind on the bed with me...
Our car was hit and run. The front light on the right side is broken and the bumper is smashed...
My phone was lost or stollen, so if you were thinking of calling or texting your sympathy, think twice...
Yup, it's been a "great" week, wouldn't you say so?
Haul Out the Holly!
3 days ago
Nossa, desculpa Kika, mas que azar hein! Que ódio, odeio qdo parece q td q tinha que dar de errado da errado. Mas, fazer oq, a gente tem que passar por certas coisas na vida pra ajudar a gente crescer, e assim a gente vai levando neh. Mas o sol nasce de novo, nao eh verdade?? Entao nao desanima nao, shake it off and keep going.
That really sucs, sometimes it seems everything comes crashing down at once huh? But it's true, it will get better, and it does makes us stronger. Hope the rest of your week is better!
OMIGOSH!!!! THat is terrible! I'm so sorry! I got food poisoning a little while back and it was AWFUL because I had no milk for Claire and she was DYING.... good thing she can eat other things, or she really would have been starving...fortunately it came back after a few slices of toast and some gatorade. And sorry about the car. That sucks. I love you!!!!! Does that help???
Sometimes life just sucks! O jeito é não deixar essas coisas nos abater! Força e melhoras, Kika!
Wow- and it's only Tuesday! I hope you get through the week- thanks for the reminder that I'm not the only one who has crappy days. Hang in there!
Wow...you have had a rough week! This too shall pass, I promise. (((hugs)))
ABAFE!!! Well, I bet your week is much better now that you got your phone and some other "FUN" stuff... I'm awaiting you this Saturday, I told Dave you might be coming... Yay for la tchonga!
Hey kika! I am back online after ages. So sorry to hear about all this happening. I hope things get better for you and your family.
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